Despite what you might initially think, it turns out that you can turn having more credit cards into having a higher credit score and overall [more…]
Why does it seem that, for so many people, credit cards are synonymous with fear? It seems like you mention the words to someone and [more…]
In a world that seems busier than ever, we tend to rely on cell phone apps or online services to keep us checked in to [more…]
There are two sides to everything in life, even credit cards. Sometimes it seems that all you hear about from friends or the media is [more…]
Did you realize that your credit score says more about you than how you manage money? In fact, it’s a number that can be [more…]
Unemployment: it’s a word that you can never feel good about saying or hearing. There is no positive that comes out of being unemployed, especially [more…]
There are tons of mistakes that are made every day that have the potential to take you on a ride down the road to poor [more…]
Starting college is almost like starting a new life. So many new experiences to embark upon, new found freedom, and more financial responsibility. It’s normal [more…]
It seems like kids today are learning more and more about life through society than through family. With the digital era, it seems like any [more…]
We’ve all heard it at some point in time: “use your money wisely”, “be a smart spender”, etc. In 2016, money is synonymous with both [more…]