How to be a Smart Summer Spender

Estimated read time 3 min read

It’s summer time, and when the Sun’s up, the fun’s up! Time to go on all those trips you’ve been looking forward to all year, relaxing at the beach or pool, going to amusement parks, checking out concerts and live events, and so much more.

Unfortunately, most of the best summer activities will have a price tag, so you want to continue all your smart and savvy spending habits through this most enjoyable season. Here are some of our favorite tips to keep you on the right track without missing out on any of the fun!

Reap the Credit Card Vacation Rewards

If you are in the almost 50% of Americans who plan to vacation in the summer, the vacation rewards aspect of your credit cards is the smartest summer spending trick you can master. Many credit cards offer varying rewards programs for a variety of your spending needs, with vacation and travel being a primary focus. Travel credit cards are specifically designed for those who like to see new sights and can provide benefits like the best quality hotel accommodations, free airline tickets, and sometimes cash! The most important thing is to do your research about your credit card rewards programs and see what they offer. Sometimes, there might be rewards you don’t even know about if you only use the credit card for gas and groceries. Do your credit card research and be rewarded!

Master Summer Sales for Major Purchases

“Summer” is synonymous with “sales” for some major items that you must purchase at some point in time. This is the best time of year to get fantastic deals on large appliances like refrigerators or large pieces of furniture like dining room sets. If you even remotely have an inkling you will need to buy any of the big ticket items in the foreseeable future, try to take advantage of this time of year.
Not only can you make these necessary purchases at a reduced cost, but you might also gain additional credit card rewards from buying these items, especially if you have a card from a department store that retails these items. Double bonus!

Transition Your Transportation

Hey, every dollar you can save adds up, especially in the summer when you want that extra cash for vacations and going out. Try to ride with your friends when headed to group events or take public transportation, such as buses or trains. If you need to drive your own car, there are ways to save for the summer. Avoiding overloading the trunk is one way to get more gas efficiency, and when you fill up, utilize your credit cards to gain even more rewards on a purchase you would need to make anyway.

Enjoy your summer! You work hard, and you deserve to have fun, but not at the expense of your good credit and spending habits.

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