The Stats of Credit Scores: Where Do You Fall?

Estimated read time 3 min read

So, you know your credit score. But do you know how your credit score stacks up with your peers? How about against your parents? Or even the rest of the country?

No one is perfect, especially when it comes to credit and our credit reports. Even the smartest spenders have ways to improve, and there is nothing wrong with that! Sometimes it can be easier to get an idea for how to be greater than average by understanding what average really is.

Let’s Get Down to Basics! Credit Score Averages

When dealing with the basics, it’s best to build from a smaller foundation to a larger scale. We will take a look at each age group’s averages and then look at the country as a whole.

According to information published through Experian, a leading global information services company, the average credit score for a Millennial (ages 19-34) is around 625. Although not abysmal, the score could safely be referred to as mediocre. Possible reasons the average for Millennials is in this range is due to a lack of credit history to be evaluated on your credit report. Less time to build a credit foundations means late payments have a greater impact on a credit report and are more damaging to a credit score.

The next age group up is Generation X, with an age range of 35-49. The average credit score for Xers is 650. Generation X was also found to have the largest amount of debt of all the age groups when mortgages were taken into account, which is logical, considering most mortgages take 30 years to pay off.

The final age group is the Baby Boomers (50+) averaging a 709 with a VantageScore 3.0 credit score. Keep in mind that this age group is most likely not subjected to heavy debt loads like student loans and/or mortgages as the younger generations.

Now that we’ve broken down the groups that make up the American average credit scores by age, let’s see what the average credit score is. Drum roll, please … 667!

So, how do you stack up? Think you have room for improvement? Let’s give you some quick credit tips to help!

From Average to Excellent: Boost your Credit Score with Credit Cards!

A quick and easy method to start building credit the right way is by opening credit cards. Utilizing with a credit card and a budget can boost your credit over time, giving you the solid credit backing to get the loans you desire.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to pay your bill on time and in full! Having a credit card can help only if you use it properly. If you open credit cards and don’t pay your bills consistently, you will damage your credit score and can have delinquent payments show as a red flag on your credit report for up to 7 years.

If you’re ready to move yourself to the above average range for your age group, and the nation, start off with a search for the perfect credit card. There are tons of benefits to receive from credit cards besides the boost to your credit score like rewards and cash back, so what are you waiting for?

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