Your Credit Report and Your Reportable Credibility: How Credit Awareness Can Affect You In More Ways Than Finances

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Did you realize that your credit score says more about you than how you manage money? In fact, it’s a number that can be used to represent and measure what type of person you are. Being conscious and aware of your credit will not only assist you in improving upon your credit score, but also affect your life on a larger scale. Good credit traits are intertwined with good character traits, and their importance transcends the everyday and impacts the long term. Here are some ways that your credit and your credibility are one and the same.

A Rise in Responsibility

Being aware of your credit score will help instill a sense of responsibility in you that translates beyond your money management ability. When credit score is on your mind on a regular basis, you will tend towards making wise and cautious financial decisions. This mentality is the foundation of responsibility; the ability to rationalize and make the best decision available.

We bet you didn’t realize that having good credit can lead to long term relationships. Yes, we are serious. In fact, the Federal Reserve actually conducted a study that found your credit score could be one of the biggest predictors in determining relationship success. Since good credit is indicative of being responsible, this also translates into commitment.

Increased Integrity

Another personality trait that comes along with good credit is integrity. This is built upon the fact that having good credit translates into you living up to your word. Think about it – having a line of credit or getting a loan is basically you giving your word to the source that you will pay back what is expected of you in the manner in which it is expected. Not paying what you owe is breaking your word, which is a characteristic of a person with little integrity.

A good credit score and strong credit report demonstrates to the world that you fulfill your obligations. You make commitments, such as repaying a loan, which you intend to keep. You live up to what you have represented you will do in regards to your finances. Being more conscious and aware of your credit score increases your motivation to continue paying on time and build upon your integrity.

Drive and Discipline

It takes discipline to complete a required action consistently and properly. Maintaining good credit is intertwined with your ability to make your payments on time for credit cards and loans. Keeping actively aware of your credit will help you take the initiative to stay on time with this, and demonstrate your discipline in fulfilling your responsibilities. Getting in the habit of regularly checking up on your credit is a discipline in itself that feeds into a drive to always have a positive result from your credit checks.

Good character and good credit go hand in hand. Being conscious and aware of your credit will help you strive to maintain the best score you can, which in turn enhances positive character traits. Good character lays the foundation for you to be an informed credit connoisseur, as your sense of responsibility, integrity and discipline will drive you to stay present about your credit status.

Unsure about what’s on your credit report? Services such as ClickFreeScore can help you begin to dig into your financial history and start making the right decisions!

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